Outdoor Yoga
Outdoor yoga is fun! Sessions on a pop-up basis. Connect with me via email to get on the notification list.

Connecting to nature is soothing and can help us relax. Yoga in lovely outdoor settings can support senses of expansiveness, connection, and peace. I offer yoga outside on a pop-up basis. It's best to either submit your email to me via this site or send me an email and ask to be added to the list. When I plan a session outside I will let you know if you are on the list. It's good to have an oversized mat, dress in layers, bring a blanket and water to outdoor yoga. Yoga Accessories (google it) has inexpensive (around $30) oversized mats (wider and longer). It's also ok to wear shoes, especially if it is cold (I like the "barefoot" style of shoes especially for any outdoor yoga, if I wear shoes). Outdoor yoga is also good to practice to not take yoga too seriously and to have an experience of going with what the present moment offers.